AIM Data Catalogue Luxembourg

Number of rows : 49
Subject Property Sub-Property ID Type Description Note Reference Data Provider Delegation Level 1 Delegation Level 2
ATS-RouteDesignator432TextDesignators for ATS routes according to Annex 11 Appendix 1 (or Appendix 3 for standard departure and arrival routes)Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.1, ENR 3.3.1; Annex 11 2.12, App 1, App 3; Annex 4
Route segmentFrom pointDesignator460TextThe coded designators or name-codes of significant pointDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.1, ENR 3.3.1, ENR 4.4.3; Annex 4
Reporting461Code listIndication of ATS / MET reporting requirement “compulsory” or “on-request”Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.1, ENR 3.3.1, ENR 4.4.3; Annex 4
To pointReporting463Code listIndication of the ATS / MET reporting requirement “compulsory” or “on-request”Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.1, ENR 3.3.1, ENR 4.4.3; Annex 4
Designator462TextThe coded designators or name-codes of significant pointDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.1, ENR 3.3.1, ENR 4.4.3; Annex 4
Track438BearingTrack, VOR radial or magnetic bearing of a route segmentDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.2, ENR 3.3.3; Annex 4; Annex 11 App 5 Table 4ATSP
Changeover point439PointThe point at which an aircraft navigating on an ATS route segment defined by reference to very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges is expected to transfer its primary navigational reference from the facility behind the aircraft to the next facility ahead of the case of VOR radialDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.2 ATSP
Length440DistanceThe geodesic distance between from point and to pointAirway segments length \nTerminal arrival or departure route segments lengthDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.2, ENR 3.3.3; Annex 4; Annex 11 App 5 Table 5ATSP
Upper limit441AltitudeThe upper limit of the route segmentDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.3, ENR 3.3.4; Annex 4
Lower limit442AltitudeThe lower limit of the route segmentDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.3, ENR 3.3.4; Annex 4
MEA443AltitudeMinimum en-route altitude (MEA). The altitude for an en-route segment that provides adequate reception of relevant navigation facilities and ATS communications, complies with the airspace structure and provides the required obstacle clearance.Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.3; Annex 4; Doc 8168 Vol 2 Part II, Section 3 1.6.1; Annex 11 2.22, App 5ATSP
MOCA444AltitudeMinimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA). The minimum altitude for a defined segment of flight that provides the required obstacle clearance.Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1 4, Doc 8168 Vol 2 Part II Section 3 1.6.1; Annex 11 2.22, App 5ATSP
Minimum flight altitude445AltitudeMinimum flight altitudeDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.4.4; Annex 11 2.22, App 5ATSP
Lateral Limits446DistanceLateral limits of routeDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.4ATSP
Restrictions449TextIndication on any area speed and level/altitude restrictions where established;Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.7, AIP ENR 3.3.7; Annex 4 8.9.4,
Direction of cruise levelsBackward452Code listIndication on the direction of the cruising level (even, odd, NIL) from second point to first point of route segmentDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.5, AIP ENR 3.3.5, Annex 4
Forward451Code listIndication on the direction of the cruising level (even, odd, NIL) from first point to second point of route segmentDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.5, AIP ENR 3.3.5, Annex 4
Availability456TextInformation on the route availabilityDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.7, AIP ENR 3.3.7; Annex 4
Class of airspace457TextClassification of airspace (A, B, … G) which determines the operating rules, flight requirements, and services provided. According to Annex 11, Appendix 4Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.3, AIP ENR 3.3.4ATSP
PBN requirementsSensor requirements465TextIndication on the sensor requirements including any navigation specification limitationsPBN onlyDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1, ENR 3.4ATSP
Navigation performance requirements464TextThe navigation accuracy requirement for each PBN (RNAV or RNP) route segmentPBN onlyDoc 10066 App 2, AIP ENR 3.1.6, AIP ENR 3.3.6ATSP
Navigation specification435TextDesignation of the navigation specification(s) applicable to a specified segment(s) - There are two kinds of navigation specifications:\nRequired navigation performance (RNP) specification. A navigation specification based on area navigation that includes the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting, designated by the prefix RNP, e.g. RNP 4, RNP APCH.\nArea navigation (RNAV) specification. A navigation specification based on area navigation that does not include the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting, designated by the prefix RNAV, e.g. RNAV 5, RNAV 1.PBN onlyDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.1, AIP ENR 3.3.1; Annex 4
Controlling unitName466TextName of the unit providing the serviceDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.7, ENR 3.3.7ATSP
Channel467TextOperating channel / frequency of controlling unitDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.7, ENR 3.3.7ATSP
Logon address468TextA specified code used for data link logon to the controlling ATS unitif applicableDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.1.7, ENR 3.3.7ATSP
Other routeDesignator992TextDesignator of the routeDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.5ATSP
Type993TextType of route (e.g. VFR uncontrolled navigation routes)Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.5ATSP
Flight rules994Code listInformation on the flight rules that apply on the route (IFR / VFR) Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.5ATSP
WaypointIdentification470TextNames, coded designators or name-codes assigned to the significant point.Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.4.1, Annex 4, Annex 11 App 2 2,3ATSP
Position473PointGeographical location of the waypointDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 4.4.2, Annex 4, Annex 11 App 5 Table 1ATSP
FormationDistance478DistanceThe distance from the reference VOR/DME, if the waypoint is not collocated with it;Distance used for the formation of an en-route fixDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.3.2, Annex 11 App 5 Table 5ATSP
Navaid476TextThe station identification of the reference VOR/DMEDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.3.2ATSP
Bearing477BearingThe bearing from the reference VOR/DME, if the waypoint is not collocated with it;Bearing used for the formation of an en-route fixDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.3.2, Annex 11 App 5 Table 4ATSP
En-route HoldingIdentification480TextIdentification of the holding procedureDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.6.1ATSP
Fix481TextIdentification of the holding procedure fix Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.6.1ATSP
Waypoint482PointGeographical location of the holding waypointDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.6.1ATSP
Inbound track483BearingThe inbound track of the holding procedureDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.6.2ATSP
Turn Direction484TextDirection of the procedure turnDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.6.3ATSP
Speed485ValueMaximum indicated airspeedDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.6.4ATSP
LevelMinimum holding level493AltitudeMinimum holding level of the holding procedureDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.6.5ATSP
Maximum holding level494AltitudeMaximum holding level of the holding procedureDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.6.5ATSP
Time/distance outbound487ValueTime/distance value of the holding procedure Doc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.6.6ATSP
Controlling unitName495TextIndication of the controlling unitDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.6.7ATSP
Frequency496ValueThe operating frequency/channel of the controlling unitDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 3.6.7ATSP
Special holding entry procedure489TextTextual description of the Special VOR/DME entry procedureIn case an entry radial to a secondary fix at the end of the outbound leg has been established for a VOR/DME holding patternDoc 10066 App 2 AIP ENR 1.5.1, AIP ENR 1.5.4, Doc 8168 Vol 2 Part II Section 4 1.5.1ATSP
AMAVertical limit447AltitudeArea Minimum Altitude (AMA) - The minimum altitude to be used under instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), that\nprovides a minimum obstacle clearance within a specified area, normally formed by parallels and meridians.Annex 4 8.9.3, Annex 4 7.6.2ATSP
Lateral limits1200DistanceLateral limits of the sectorsATSP
MVAVertical limit448AltitudeMinimum Vectoring AltitudeAnnex 4 8.9.4, Annex 4,
Lateral limits1201DistanceLateral limits of the sectorsATSP
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